Friday 25 December 2015

The Flatulence of Meat

George Monbiot has digested some rather alarming figures connecting meat (Christmassy or otherwise) and greenhouse gas emissions (see The Guardian, 2015), surmising that the development of one kilo of meat protein causes more greenhouse gas emission than a passenger on a long-haul flight. As an avid travelling vegetarian myself, thank god I'm no worse than you - too bad my aspirations for self-betterment have about as much resolve as a new year's promise to lose weight, save money and learn a new language. The graphic below shows just how much one kilogram of beef and one kg of lamb gives back to the community. Merry Christmas wider community, may your lives be ever indulgent, may soya never become fashionable, and may red meat continue to be as cheap and healthy as it ever has been.

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